Simply arming yourself with a bank of knowledge will help you feel like you are taking proactive measures to reassert control over your own life. Use the resources that are available. Get a hearing aid, if your hearing is a casualty of Meniere's. Take a taxi if you're afraid to drive. Establish a quiet place at work where you can relax if you feel dizzy. Look for ways to live with the symptoms you have, instead of wasting time wishing for a cure. Joint Pain Relief Codes Self-pity is unproductive and feeds on itself, eroding your self-esteem, and your strength. Find a new normal. People who hope to live a normal life after developing Meniere's must be open to finding what will now be normal for them. It may be finding a new favorite restaurant, establishing alternatives for driving when attacks are frequent, arranging to work at home or finding a job that allows for the time you may need during attacks. The important thing is to set priorities, investigate possibilities, and implement solutions.
Don't give up. Don't abandon the things you love and don't think of your episodes of vertigo, or helplessness, as permanent. If you can't visit your favorite restaurant because the noise and lighting bring on episodes of vertigo, find another restaurant that doesn't do those things. If you can't drive, enlist the help of your spouse or a friend. If you can't hear your grandchildren when you take them to the zoo, get a hearing aid. Sometimes it helps to think of your symptoms as temporary. Doctors do know that for many sufferers of Meniere's symptoms, especially for those with vertigo, episodes are sporadic, and for many, disappear or reduce in frequency with time.
Don't give up. Don't abandon the things you love and don't think of your episodes of vertigo, or helplessness, as permanent. If you can't visit your favorite restaurant because the noise and lighting bring on episodes of vertigo, find another restaurant that doesn't do those things. If you can't drive, enlist the help of your spouse or a friend. If you can't hear your grandchildren when you take them to the zoo, get a hearing aid. Sometimes it helps to think of your symptoms as temporary. Doctors do know that for many sufferers of Meniere's symptoms, especially for those with vertigo, episodes are sporadic, and for many, disappear or reduce in frequency with time.
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