Every system must provide an optimum service level during normal operations. The same system must also be able to provide essential services when its components fail due to malicious attacks or major disasters. Therefore, decision makers need to integrate the four self-managing properties into the design and usage/operations of a product (e.g., a bridge, a building or an aircraft), a process, or a business model. If at middle age, Tesla Off Grid Generator Review you are aging ungraciously, it is likely that for decades you have been signaling your body, and brain to survive by becoming depressed: if you are chronically stressed, physically, or mentally, you have created a low grade state of depression in your body as a healthy, adaptive response to what is understands as your ultimate survival challenge.(If you suffer from depression, you can turn your take a look at your lifestyle survival strategies, and make different choices.
In nature, depression is normal: it is a survival mechanism. Depression is the body and brain's response to famine, excess food intake, and inactivity. As we evolved over millions of years of harsh winters on the African savannah, it was this "survival depression" that kept us alive until the warmth of spring. We hunted and gathered every single day; we were only sedentary if there was a famine. As winter, drought or famine approached, we became sedentary, built up our fat reserves, made our shelters to hibernate: we burrowed for warmth, and safety, in small spaces that made it impossible to move, further slowing down our metabolism. These natural behaviors signaled the critical systems in our bodies and brains to shutdown, decay, atrophy, loose their muscles, in order to survive the winter. Survival depression was our healthy response to our environment. Now here we are in 2008, with lengthy commutes to work, whole days sitting at our computers, with little movement of our bodies
In nature, depression is normal: it is a survival mechanism. Depression is the body and brain's response to famine, excess food intake, and inactivity. As we evolved over millions of years of harsh winters on the African savannah, it was this "survival depression" that kept us alive until the warmth of spring. We hunted and gathered every single day; we were only sedentary if there was a famine. As winter, drought or famine approached, we became sedentary, built up our fat reserves, made our shelters to hibernate: we burrowed for warmth, and safety, in small spaces that made it impossible to move, further slowing down our metabolism. These natural behaviors signaled the critical systems in our bodies and brains to shutdown, decay, atrophy, loose their muscles, in order to survive the winter. Survival depression was our healthy response to our environment. Now here we are in 2008, with lengthy commutes to work, whole days sitting at our computers, with little movement of our bodies
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