The procedure involves a complicated surgery of the scrotum to retrieve sperm from the epididymis or the testicles. This surgery may be performed a single time on both sides because the development of scar tissue may prove subsequent surgeries impossible to perform. The sperm aspirated is injected into a partner's eggs, which are retrieved from the ovary through a laparoscope, to be returned to the uterus after external fertilization on a culture dish. Clinics in Chennai In spite of the complicated procedure of injections, ultrasounds and intervention; pregnancy rates are very low with routine IVF. One cycle of IVF may cost anywhere from $8000 to $15,000. The total cost of achieving pregnancy may reach $75,000.Intracytomplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) - ICSI may be referred to as an advanced form of IVF.
Here, a single sperm is directly injected into an egg that has been retrieved from the partner's ovary through a laparoscope. After incubation on a laboratory dish, the resulting embryo is returned to the uterus.After vasectomy, the sperm continues to be produced. The movement of the sperm however is restricted and as a consequence, the pressure continues to build up. This pressure build-up eventually leads to blowouts in the epipidymis, leading to blockages at the vasectomy site, and sometimes closer to the testicles as well. Both these blockages have to be carefully treated during vasectomy reversal microsurgery to achieve pregnancy.A vasectomy reversal surgeon works to suture the two severed ends of vas deferens to ensure a renewed smooth transportation of sperm.
Here, a single sperm is directly injected into an egg that has been retrieved from the partner's ovary through a laparoscope. After incubation on a laboratory dish, the resulting embryo is returned to the uterus.After vasectomy, the sperm continues to be produced. The movement of the sperm however is restricted and as a consequence, the pressure continues to build up. This pressure build-up eventually leads to blowouts in the epipidymis, leading to blockages at the vasectomy site, and sometimes closer to the testicles as well. Both these blockages have to be carefully treated during vasectomy reversal microsurgery to achieve pregnancy.A vasectomy reversal surgeon works to suture the two severed ends of vas deferens to ensure a renewed smooth transportation of sperm.